This commit is contained in:
geohärö 2017-01-21 19:29:18 +02:00
parent 332e181841
commit 2c9d46cb1e
6 changed files with 40121 additions and 742 deletions

Kunnat2017.kml Normal file

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Lataa [](
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Perustuu Maanmittauslaitoksen aineistoon.
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@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
Option Explicit
Dim lastPQ As Long
Dim lastG As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Integer
Dim ilmoita As Long
Dim latD As String
Dim lonD As String
Dim A As Range
Dim B As Range
Dim latbefore As Range
Dim corrected As Boolean
Dim GC As String
Dim graticule As Range
Dim maa As Range
Dim country As String
Dim found As Integer
Sub Graticulet()
Call clean
lastPQ = Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set A = Range(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(1, 1), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(lastPQ, 1)).Find("<?xml version")
If Not A Is Nothing Then
For i = 1 To lastPQ
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("Q1").Value = i & "/" & lastPQ
Call etsi
Next i
End If
Call taulu
Call viherrys
End Sub
Sub clean()
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("A:A").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("B:Z").Value = ""
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("M1").Value = "GC muut"
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("N1").Value = "Graticule muut"
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("O1").Value = "Maa"
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("J1").Value = "GC"
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("K1").Value = "Graticule FI"
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("Q2").Value = "Odota..."
Application.Wait (Now + 0.000000001)
End Sub
Sub pastegpx()
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Columns("A:Z").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Columns("A:Z").Value = ""
End Sub
Sub etsi()
Set A = Range(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row + 1, 1), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(lastPQ, 1)).Find("<wpt")
If Not A Is Nothing Then
i = A.Row
GC = Replace(Replace(Replace(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row + 2, 1).Value, "<name>", ""), "</name>", ""), " ", "")
If InStr(1, GC, "GC") <> 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set B = Range(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(lastPQ, 1)).Find("</wpt>")
Set maa = Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range(Cells(A.Row, 1), Cells(B.Row, 1)).Find("<groundspeak:country>")
country = Replace(Replace(Replace(Cells(maa.Row, maa.Column), " <groundspeak:country>", ""), "</groundspeak:country>", ""), " ", "")
i = lastPQ
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("Q1").Value = i & "/" & lastPQ
Exit Sub
End If
If Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row - 1, 1).Interior.Color <> RGB(146, 208, 80) Then
Range(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(B.Row, 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(146, 208, 80)
Range(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(B.Row, 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(87, 128, 201)
End If
Set latbefore = Range(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(B.Row, 1)).Find("<gsak:LatBeforeCorrect>")
If Not latbefore Is Nothing Then
corrected = True
corrected = False
End If
If corrected = True Then
If InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, ".") > 0 Then
latD = "N" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, "LatBeforeCorrect>") + 17, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, ".") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, "<gsak:LatBeforeCorrect>") - 23)
latD = "N" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, "LatBeforeCorrect>") + 17, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, "</gsak:LatBeforeCorrect>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row, 1).Value, "<gsak:LatBeforeCorrect>") - 23)
End If
latD = Replace(latD, "N-", "S")
If InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, ".") > 0 Then
lonD = "E" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, "LonBeforeCorrect>") + 17, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, ".") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, "<gsak:LonBeforeCorrect>") - 23)
lonD = "E" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, "LonBeforeCorrect>") + 17, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, "</gsak:LonBeforeCorrect>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(latbefore.Row + 1, 1).Value, "<gsak:LonBeforeCorrect>") - 23)
End If
lonD = Replace(lonD, "E-", "W")
If InStr(1, Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") + 10, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") - 10), ".") > 0 Then
latD = "N" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") + 10, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, ".") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") - 10)
latD = "N" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") + 10, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") - 10)
End If
latD = Replace(latD, "N-", "S")
If InStr(1, Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") + 7), ".") > 0 Then
lonD = "E" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") + 7, InStr(InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon="""), Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, ".") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - 7)
lonD = "E" & Mid(Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") + 7, InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Cells(A.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - 7)
End If
lonD = Replace(lonD, "E-", "W")
End If
If country = "Finland" And GC <> "GCGW7N" And GC <> "GCC5EE" Then
ilmoita = Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("J" & ilmoita).Value = GC
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("K" & ilmoita).Value = latD & lonD
ilmoita = Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("M" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("M" & ilmoita).Value = GC
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("N" & ilmoita).Value = latD & lonD
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("O" & ilmoita).Value = country
End If
End Sub
Sub taulu()
For i = 2 To 13
For j = 3 To 15
If Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Range(Chr(Asc("A") + j) & i).Interior.ColorIndex <> 15 Then
Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Range(Chr(Asc("A") + j) & i).Formula = "=COUNTIF('All Finds PQ'!K:K," & """N" & 72 - i & "E" & 16 + j & """" & ")"
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Sub viherrys()
For i = 2 To 13
For j = 4 To 16
If Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Cells(i, j).Interior.ColorIndex <> 15 Then
Dim grat As String
grat = "N" & 72 - i & "E" & 15 + j
Set graticule = Worksheets("Graticulet").Range("D:D").Find(grat)
Worksheets("Graticulet").Cells(graticule.Row + 1, 4).Value = "<description><![CDATA[" & Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Cells(i, j).Value & "]]></description>"
If Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Cells(i, j).Value <> 0 Then
Worksheets("Graticulet").Cells(graticule.Row + 2, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#poly-00D079-1-59</styleUrl>"
Worksheets("Graticulet").Cells(graticule.Row + 2, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#poly-DB4436-1-64</styleUrl>"
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
found = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Range("D2:P13"), "<>0") - WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Range("D2:P13"))
Worksheets("All Finds PQ").Range("Q2").Value = "Valmis! Löydetty " & found & "/" & 97 & " =" & Round(found / 97 * 100, 2) & "%"
Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Range("A8").Value = "Valmis!"
Worksheets("Graticuletaulu").Range("A9").Value = "Löydetty " & found & "/" & 97 & " =" & Round(found / 97 * 100, 2) & "%"
MsgBox "OK! Graticule.kml kopioitu leikepöydälle. Löydetty " & found & "/" & 97
End Sub

View file

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
Option Explicit
Dim i As Long
Dim ii As Long
Dim lastT As Long
Dim ilmoitus As Long
Dim firstT As Range
Dim name As Range
Dim paikka As Range
Dim sija As String
Dim Kunta As String
Dim stats As String
Dim Tradi As Long
Dim Multi As Long
Dim Webcam As Long
Dim Mysteeri As Long
Dim Letterbox As Long
Dim Earth As Long
Dim Miitti As Long
Dim Virtuaali As Long
Dim CITO As Long
Dim Wherigo As Long
Dim Miitti10v As Long
Dim Mega As Long
Dim Locationless As Long
Dim Yht As Long
Dim found As Integer
Dim kaikki As Integer
Sub Kunnat()
found = 0
kaikki = 0
Set paikka = Worksheets("Tilasto").Columns("A:Z").Find("Paikkakunta")
Worksheets("Tilasto").Range("T:T").Value = ""
Worksheets("Tilasto").Range(Cells(paikka.Row - 1, paikka.Column - 1), Cells(paikka.Row - 1, paikka.Column + 1)).Value = ""
Set firstT = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(paikka.Row, paikka.Column).Offset(1, -1)
Columns(paikka.Column).Replace What:="      ", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
lastT = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(paikka.Row, paikka.Column).End(xlDown).Row
For i = firstT.Row To lastT
Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(paikka.Row - 1, paikka.Column - 1).Value = "Rivi " & i & "/" & lastT
If Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column - 1).Value <> "Sija" Then
kaikki = kaikki + 1
sija = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column - 1).Value
Kunta = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column).Value
Tradi = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 1).Value
Multi = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 2).Value
Webcam = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 3).Value
Mysteeri = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 4).Value
Letterbox = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 5).Value
Earth = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 6).Value
Miitti = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 7).Value
Virtuaali = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 8).Value
CITO = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 9).Value
Wherigo = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 10).Value
Miitti10v = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 11).Value
Mega = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 12).Value
Locationless = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 13).Value
Yht = Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(i, paikka.Column + 14).Value
Call tilastot
Set name = Worksheets("Kuntarajat").Range("D:D").Find("<name>" & Kunta & "</name>")
If Not name Is Nothing Then
If Yht > 0 Then
Worksheets("Kuntarajat").Cells(name.Row + 2, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#poly-009D57-1-0</styleUrl>"
found = found + 1
Worksheets("Kuntarajat").Cells(name.Row + 2, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#poly-DB4436-1-64</styleUrl>"
End If
Worksheets("Kuntarajat").Cells(name.Row + 1, 4).Value = "<description><![CDATA[" & stats & "]]></description>"
ilmoitus = Worksheets("Tilasto").Range("T" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(ilmoitus, 20).Value = i & " Kunnalle " & Kunta & " ei ole määritetty rajoja"
End If
End If
Next i
ilmoitus = Worksheets("Tilasto").Range("T" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Worksheets("Tilasto").Cells(paikka.Row - 1, paikka.Column + 1).Value = "Valmis! Löydetty " & found & "/" & kaikki & " =" & Round(found / kaikki * 100, 2) & "%"
MsgBox "OK! Kuntarajat.kml kopioitu leikepöydälle. Löydetty " & found & "/" & kaikki
End Sub
Sub tilastot()
If Yht > 0 Then
stats = "#" & sija & " " & Kunta & " Yhteensä " & Yht & "# "
If Tradi > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Tradi " & Tradi
End If
If Multi > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Multi " & Multi
End If
If Mysteeri > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Mysteeri " & Mysteeri
End If
If Letterbox > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Letterbox " & Letterbox
End If
If Earth > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Earthcache " & Earth
End If
If Wherigo > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Wherigo " & Wherigo
End If
If Miitti > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Miitti " & Miitti
End If
If CITO > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / CITO " & CITO
End If
If Mega > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Mega " & Mega
End If
If Webcam > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Webcam " & Webcam
End If
If Virtuaali > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Virtuaali " & Virtuaali
End If
If Locationless > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Locationless " & Locationless
End If
If Miitti10v > 0 Then
stats = stats & " / Miitti10v " & Miitti10v
End If
stats = "#" & Kunta & " yhteensä " & Yht & "#"
End If
End Sub
Sub pasteTilasto()
Worksheets("Tilasto").Columns("A:Z").Value = ""
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= _
False, NoHTMLFormatting:=True
End Sub

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
Option Explicit
Dim lastPQ As Long
Dim lastWP As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Range
Dim lat As String
Dim lon As String
Dim GC As String
Dim nimi As String
Dim desc As String
Dim size As String
Dim kpl As Long
Dim cachetype As String
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim hint As String
Sub tyhj()
If InStr(1, Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("C5").Value, "<Style id='") = 0 Then
Set x = Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("C:C").Find("<Style id='")
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Rows("5:" & x.Row - 1).Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If
End Sub
Sub Waypoints()
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("K1:L1").Value = ""
kpl = 0
Call tyhj
Set x = Range("A1")
lastPQ = Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastPQ
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("K1").Value = "'" & i & "/" & lastPQ
Set x = Worksheets("PocketQ").Range(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 1, 1), Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(lastPQ, 1)).Find("<wpt lat=""")
If Not x Is Nothing Then
i = x.Row
kpl = kpl + 1
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("L1").Value = kpl
Do Until InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(i, 1).Value, "<groundspeak:encoded_hints>") > 0
i = i + 1
A = i
Do Until InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(i, 1).Value, "</groundspeak:encoded_hints>") > 0
i = i + 1
B = i
lat = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") + 10, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") - 10)
lon = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") + 7, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - 7)
GC = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, "<name>") + 6, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, "</name>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, "<name>") - 6)
nimi = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, "<urlname>") + 9, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, "</urlname>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, "<urlname>") - 9)
desc = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, "<desc>") + 6, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, "</desc>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, "<desc>") - 6), "&amp;", "&")
size = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, "<groundspeak:container>") + 23, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, "</groundspeak:container>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, "<groundspeak:container>") - 23)
cachetype = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 7, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 7, 1).Value, "<type>Geocache|") + 15), "</type>", "")
hint = ""
For A = A To B
hint = hint & " " & Replace(Replace(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(A, 1).Value, " <groundspeak:encoded_hints>", ""), "</groundspeak:encoded_hints>", "")
Next A
Do Until InStr(1, hint, " ") <> 1
hint = Mid(hint, 2)
If hint = "" Then
hint = "Ei vihjettä"
End If
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Rows("5:12").Insert Shift:=xlDown
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(5, 3).Value = "<Placemark>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(6, 3).Value = "<description><![CDATA[" & "<a href=""" & GC & """>" & GC & "</a>" & "<br>" & desc & " " & size & " Vihje: " & hint & "]]></description>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(7, 4).Value = "<name>" & nimi & "</name>"
If cachetype = "Traditional Cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-0F9D58</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Multi-cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-F57C00</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Unknown Cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1594-1A237E</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Letterbox Hybrid" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-C2185B</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Wherigo Cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-9C27B0</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Earthcache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-757575</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Event Cache" Or cachetype = "Cache In Trash Out Event" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1625-4E342E</styleUrl>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-0288D1-nodesc</styleUrl>"
End If
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(9, 4).Value = "<Point>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(10, 5).Value = "<coordinates>" & lon & "," & lat & ",0.0</coordinates>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(11, 4).Value = "</Point>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(12, 3).Value = "</Placemark>"
i = lastPQ
End If
Next i
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("L1").Value = "Valmis! " & kpl & "kpl"
Set x = Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("A:A").Find("</kml>")
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("A1:H" & x.Row).Copy
MsgBox "OK! Reittipisteet.kml kopioitu leikepöydälle. " & kpl & "kpl"
End Sub
Sub pastePQ()
Worksheets("PocketQ").Columns("A:Z").Value = ""
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Text", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= _
End Sub