Geokml/VBA Reittipisteet makro
geohärö 26ea27b70c v1
2016-09-11 14:14:08 +03:00

122 lines
5.9 KiB

Option Explicit
Dim lastPQ As Long
Dim lastWP As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Range
Dim lat As String
Dim lon As String
Dim GC As String
Dim nimi As String
Dim desc As String
Dim size As String
Dim kpl As Long
Dim cachetype As String
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim hint As String
Sub tyhj()
If InStr(1, Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("C5").Value, "<Style id='") = 0 Then
Set x = Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("C:C").Find("<Style id='")
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Rows("5:" & x.Row - 1).Delete Shift:=xlUp
End If
End Sub
Sub Waypoints()
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("K1:L1").Value = ""
kpl = 0
Call tyhj
Set x = Range("A1")
lastPQ = Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastPQ
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("K1").Value = "'" & i & "/" & lastPQ
Set x = Worksheets("PocketQ").Range(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 1, 1), Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(lastPQ, 1)).Find("<wpt lat=""")
If Not x Is Nothing Then
i = x.Row
kpl = kpl + 1
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("L1").Value = kpl
Do Until InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(i, 1).Value, "<groundspeak:encoded_hints>") > 0
i = i + 1
A = i
Do Until InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(i, 1).Value, "</groundspeak:encoded_hints>") > 0
i = i + 1
B = i
lat = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") + 10, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, "<wpt lat=""") - 10)
lon = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") + 7, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row, 1).Value, """ lon=""") - 7)
GC = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, "<name>") + 6, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, "</name>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 2, 1).Value, "<name>") - 6)
nimi = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, "<urlname>") + 9, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, "</urlname>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 5, 1).Value, "<urlname>") - 9)
desc = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, "<desc>") + 6, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, "</desc>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 3, 1).Value, "<desc>") - 6), "&amp;", "&")
size = Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, "<groundspeak:container>") + 23, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, "</groundspeak:container>") - InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 13, 1).Value, "<groundspeak:container>") - 23)
cachetype = Replace(Mid(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 7, 1).Value, InStr(1, Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(x.Row + 7, 1).Value, "<type>Geocache|") + 15), "</type>", "")
hint = ""
For A = A To B
hint = hint & " " & Replace(Replace(Worksheets("PocketQ").Cells(A, 1).Value, " <groundspeak:encoded_hints>", ""), "</groundspeak:encoded_hints>", "")
Next A
Do Until InStr(1, hint, " ") <> 1
hint = Mid(hint, 2)
If hint = "" Then
hint = "Ei vihjettä"
End If
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Rows("5:12").Insert Shift:=xlDown
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(5, 3).Value = "<Placemark>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(6, 3).Value = "<description><![CDATA[" & "<a href=""" & GC & """>" & GC & "</a>" & "<br>" & desc & " " & size & " Vihje: " & hint & "]]></description>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(7, 4).Value = "<name>" & nimi & "</name>"
If cachetype = "Traditional Cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-0F9D58</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Multi-cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-F57C00</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Unknown Cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1594-1A237E</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Letterbox Hybrid" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-C2185B</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Wherigo Cache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-9C27B0</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Earthcache" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-757575</styleUrl>"
ElseIf cachetype = "Event Cache" Or cachetype = "Cache In Trash Out Event" Then
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1625-4E342E</styleUrl>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(8, 4).Value = "<styleUrl>#icon-1899-0288D1-nodesc</styleUrl>"
End If
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(9, 4).Value = "<Point>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(10, 5).Value = "<coordinates>" & lon & "," & lat & ",0.0</coordinates>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(11, 4).Value = "</Point>"
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Cells(12, 3).Value = "</Placemark>"
i = lastPQ
End If
Next i
Worksheets("PocketQ").Range("L1").Value = "Valmis! " & kpl & "kpl"
Set x = Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("A:A").Find("</kml>")
Worksheets("Reittipisteet").Range("A1:H" & x.Row).Copy
MsgBox "OK! Reittipisteet.kml kopioitu leikepöydälle. " & kpl & "kpl"
End Sub
Sub pastePQ()
Worksheets("PocketQ").Columns("A:Z").Value = ""
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Text", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= _
End Sub