# Project abandoned This project is abandoned. It was a fun proof of concept but not really that useful. The code is left here only for reference. # Laine Laine is a minimalistic, fully static blog engine which you can read all about at [laine.nytsoi.net](http://laine.nytsoi.net/). ## Installing for use 1. Download the zip file from the downloads section. 2. Extract Laine to `/path/to/yourblog/`. 3. Write your posts at `/path/to/yourblog/posts/`. 4. Write your pages at `/path/to/yourblog/pages/`. 5. Create index file at `/path/to/yourblog/index`. 6. Serve when hot with Nginx. ## Installing for development Requirements: NPM, Bower. 1. Clone this repo. 2. `cd /path/to/clone` 3. `npm install` 4. `bower install` 5. Write changes. 6. `gulp` to compile development version to `dev/` and minified version to `dist/`. Serving locally is done easily with `cd /path/to/clone/dev; python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080`. You need a server because browsers don't like AJAX requests over the `file://` scheme.