defmodule DotenvParser do @moduledoc """ Simple parser for dotenv style files. Supports simple variable–value pairs with upper and lower cased variables. Values are trimmed of extra whitespace. Blank lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored. Additionally inline comments can be added after values with a `#`, i.e. `FOO=bar # comment`. Single quote or double quote value to prevent trimming of whitespace and allow usage of `#` in value, i.e. `FOO=' bar # not comment ' # comment`. Single quoted values don't do any unescaping. Double quoted values will unescape the following: * `\\n` - Linefeed * `\\r` - Carriage return * `\\t` - Tab * `\\f` - Form feed * `\\b` - Backspace * `\\"` and `\\'` - Quotes * `\\\\` - Backslash * `\\uFFFF` - Unicode escape (4 hex characters to denote the codepoint) * A backslash at the end of the line in a multiline value will remove the linefeed. Values can span multiple lines when single or double quoted: ```sh MULTILINE="This is a multiline value." ``` This will result in the following: ```elixir System.fetch_env!("MULTILINE") == "This is a\\nmultiline value." ``` A line can start with `export ` for easier interoperation with regular shell scripts. These lines are treated the same as any others. ## Serving suggestion If you load lots of environment variables in `config/runtime.exs`, you can easily configure them for development by having an `.env` file in your development environment and using DotenvParser at the start of the file: ```elixir import Config if Config.config_env() == :dev do DotenvParser.load_file(".env") end # Now variables from `.env` are loaded into system env config :your_project, database_url: System.fetch_env!("DB_URL") """ @linefeed_re ~r/\r?\n/ @line_re ~r/^(?:\s*export)?\s*[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*\s*=/i @dquoted_val_re ~r/^"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"\s*(?:#.*)?$/ @squoted_val_re ~r/^\s*'(.*)'\s*(?:#.*)?$/ @dquoted_multiline_end ~r/^([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"\s*(?:#.*)?$/ @squoted_multiline_end ~r/^(.*)'\s*(?:#.*)?$/ @hex_re ~r/^[0-9a-f]+$/i @quote_chars ~w(" ') @typedoc "Pair of variable name, variable value." @type value_pair :: {String.t(), String.t()} defmodule ParseError do @moduledoc "Error raised when a line cannot be parsed." defexception [:message] end defmodule Continuation do @typedoc """ A multiline value continuation. When a function returns this, it means that a multiline value was started and more needs to be parsed to get the rest of the value. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: String.t(), value: String.t(), start_quote: String.t() } @enforce_keys [:name, :value, :start_quote] defstruct [:name, :value, :start_quote] end @doc """ Parse given file and load the variables to the environment. If a line cannot be parsed or the file cannot be read, an error is raised and no values are loaded to the environment. """ @spec load_file(String.t()) :: :ok def load_file(file) do file |>!() |> load_data() end @doc """ Parse given data and load the variables to the environment. If a line cannot be parsed, an error is raised and no values are loaded to the environment. """ @spec load_data(String.t()) :: :ok def load_data(data) do data |> parse_data() |> Enum.each(fn {var, val} -> System.put_env(var, val) end) end @doc """ Parse given file and return a list of variable–value tuples. If a line cannot be parsed or the file cannot be read, an error is raised. """ @spec parse_file(String.t()) :: [value_pair()] def parse_file(file) do file |>!() |> parse_data() end @doc """ Parse given data and return a list of variable–value tuples. If a line cannot be parsed, an error is raised. """ @spec parse_data(String.t()) :: [value_pair()] def parse_data(data) do {value_pairs, continuation} = data |> String.split(@linefeed_re) |> Enum.reduce({[], nil}, fn line, {ret, nil} -> trimmed = String.trim(line) if not is_comment?(trimmed) and not is_blank?(trimmed) do reduce_line(ret, line, nil) else {ret, nil} end line, {ret, continuation} -> reduce_line(ret, line, continuation) end) if not is_nil(continuation) do raise ParseError, "Could not find end for quote #{continuation.start_quote} in variable #{}" end Enum.reverse(value_pairs) end @doc """ Parse given single line and return a variable–value tuple, or a continuation value if the line started or continued a multiline value. If line cannot be parsed, an error is raised. The second argument needs to be `nil` or a continuation value returned from parsing the previous line. """ @spec parse_line(String.t(), Continuation.t() | nil) :: value_pair() | Continuation.t() def parse_line(line, state) def parse_line(line, nil) do if not Regex.match?(@line_re, line) do raise ParseError, "Malformed line cannot be parsed: #{line}" else [var, val] = String.split(line, "=", parts: 2) var = var |> String.trim() |> String.replace_leading("export ", "") trimmed = String.trim(val) with {:dquoted, nil} <- {:dquoted,, trimmed)}, {:squoted, nil} <- {:squoted,, trimmed)}, trimmed_leading = String.trim_leading(val), {:quoted_start, false} <- {:quoted_start, String.starts_with?(trimmed_leading, @quote_chars)} do # Value is plain value {var, trimmed |> remove_comment() |> String.trim()} else {:dquoted, [_, inner_val]} -> {var, stripslashes(inner_val)} {:squoted, [_, inner_val]} -> {var, inner_val} {:quoted_start, _} -> parse_multiline_start(var, val) end end end def parse_line(line, %Continuation{} = continuation) do trimmed = String.trim_trailing(line) end_match = if continuation.start_quote == "\"" do, trimmed) else, trimmed) end with [_, line_content] <- end_match do ret = maybe_stripslashes(continuation, line_content) {, continuation.value <> ret} else _ -> next_line = maybe_stripslashes(continuation, line) next_line = maybe_linefeed(continuation, next_line) %Continuation{ continuation | value: continuation.value <> next_line } end end @spec parse_multiline_start(String.t(), String.t()) :: Continuation.t() defp parse_multiline_start(name, input) do {start_quote, rest} = input |> String.trim_leading() |> String.split_at(1) continuation = %Continuation{ name: name, value: "", start_quote: start_quote } value = maybe_stripslashes(continuation, rest) value = maybe_linefeed(continuation, value) %Continuation{continuation | value: value} end @spec reduce_line([value_pair()], String.t(), Continuation.t() | nil) :: {[value_pair()], Continuation.t() | nil} defp reduce_line(ret, line, continuation) do case parse_line(line, continuation) do %Continuation{} = new_continuation -> {ret, new_continuation} result -> {[result | ret], nil} end end @spec remove_comment(String.t()) :: String.t() defp remove_comment(val) do case String.split(val, "#", parts: 2) do [true_val, _comment] -> true_val [true_val] -> true_val end end @spec is_comment?(String.t()) :: boolean() defp is_comment?(line) defp is_comment?("#" <> _rest), do: true defp is_comment?(_line), do: false @spec is_blank?(String.t()) :: boolean() defp is_blank?(line) defp is_blank?(""), do: true defp is_blank?(_line), do: false @spec stripslashes(String.t(), :slash | :no_slash, String.t()) :: String.t() defp stripslashes(input, mode \\ :no_slash, acc \\ "") defp stripslashes("\\" <> rest, :no_slash, acc) do stripslashes(rest, :slash, acc) end defp stripslashes("", :no_slash, acc), do: acc defp stripslashes(input, :no_slash, acc) do case String.split(input, "\\", parts: 2) do [all] -> acc <> all [head, tail] -> stripslashes(tail, :slash, acc <> head) end end defp stripslashes("n" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\n") defp stripslashes("r" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\r") defp stripslashes("t" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\t") defp stripslashes("f" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\f") defp stripslashes("b" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\b") defp stripslashes("\"" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\"") defp stripslashes("'" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "'") defp stripslashes("\\" <> rest, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\\") defp stripslashes(<<"u", hex::binary-size(4), rest::binary>>, :slash, acc) do with true <- Regex.match?(@hex_re, hex), {int, _rest} <- Integer.parse(hex, 16) do stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> <>) else _ -> stripslashes(rest, :no_slash, acc <> "\\u" <> hex) end end defp stripslashes(input, :slash, acc), do: stripslashes(input, :no_slash, acc <> "\\") @spec maybe_stripslashes(Continuation.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() defp maybe_stripslashes(continuation, input) defp maybe_stripslashes(%Continuation{start_quote: "\""}, input), do: stripslashes(input) defp maybe_stripslashes(_, input), do: input @spec maybe_linefeed(Continuation.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() defp maybe_linefeed(continuation, input) defp maybe_linefeed(%Continuation{start_quote: "\""}, input) do if String.ends_with?(input, "\\") do String.slice(input, 0..-2//1) else input <> "\n" end end defp maybe_linefeed(_, input), do: input <> "\n" end