2017-10-24 20:42:02 +03:00

25 lines
726 B

## Add custom options here
## Distributed Erlang Options
## The cookie needs to be configured prior to vm boot for
## for read only filesystem.
# -name duck_tag@
-setcookie QzZpjmW58COOicHqloZZKRdTN688yjYr6XL8Klbcr6cCT0br3dlKjVeABjGp5nOr
## Use Ctrl-C to interrupt the current shell rather than invoking the emulator's
## break handler and possibly exiting the VM.
## Save the shell history between reboots
## See for additional options
-kernel shell_history enabled
## Start the Elixir shell
-user Elixir.IEx.CLI
## Options added after -extra are interpreted as plain arguments and
## can be retrieved using :init.get_plain_arguments().
-extra --no-halt