defmodule ExSpeedGame.PubSub do @moduledoc """ Light pubsub system based on Registry so that processes can listen to state publishes from others. Processes must be GenServers and respond to state request. """ @spec subscribe(atom | pid) :: term def subscribe(target) when is_atom(target) or is_pid(target) do target = if is_atom(target), do: Process.whereis(target), else: target {:ok, _} = Registry.register(__MODULE__, target, nil), {:esg_pubsub, :get_state}) end @spec publish(any) :: :ok def publish(data) do Registry.dispatch(__MODULE__, self(), fn entries -> for {pid, _} <- entries, do: send(pid, {:esg_pubsub, :pub, data}) end) end @spec clear(atom | pid) :: :ok def clear(target) when is_atom(target) or is_pid(target) do target = if is_atom(target), do: Process.whereis(target), else: target :ok = Registry.unregister(__MODULE__, target) end end