sopwith: added an example of Sopwith plane physics

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Erkki Seppälä 2014-10-18 09:52:44 +03:00
parent b377c9805d
commit e9a3f82903

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@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
module C = Chipmunk
module CO = Chipmunk.OO
module CL = Chipmunk.Low_level
open Physics
open V.VecOps
let pi = 4.0 *. atan 1.0
let negate = Gg.V2.neg
let draw_cp_polygon = false
let draw_force_vectors = false
let plane_mass = 500.0
let yaw_speed = 0.005 (* relative to forward speed *)
let accel_speed = 1000.0
let decel_speed = 2000.0
let initial_motor_speed = 0.0
let initial_speed = 0.0
let max_motor_speed = 4000.0
let fwd_frict_coeff = 0.2
let nor_frict_coeff = 2.0
let tail_frict_coeff = 0.5
let head_area = 1.0
let plane_area = 10.0
let tail_area = 0.2
let turn_speed = 0.2
let wing_lift = 0.1
let initial_motor_speed = 0.0
let frict_coeff = 0.0
let head_area = 0.0
let tail_area = 0.0
type yaw =
| YawRight
| YawRightToOther
| YawOtherToRight
| YawOther
let angle_of_yaw v = 180.0 *. (1.0 -. (cos (v *. pi) /. 2.0 +. 0.5))
let sign = function
| x when x >= 0.0 -> 1.0
| _ -> -1.0
let polygon = [(-25.0, 5.0); (13.0,5.0); (13.0, -2.0); (8.0, -6.0); (2.0, -4.0);]
class plane (space : CO.cp_space) (at0 : Gg.V2.t) =
(* let schema = Ase.normalize_model (List.concat (Ase.load "foo.ase")) in *)
let schema = (* Ase.normalize_model *) (List.concat ( snd (Ase.flip_on (fun (name, _) -> try ignore (Pcre.exec ~pat:"flip" name); true with Not_found -> false) (Ase.load "sopwith.ase")))) in
(* let schema = (* Ase.normalize_model *) (List.concat (Ase.load "sphere.ase")) in *)
(* let schema = (* Ase.normalize_model *) (List.concat (Ase.load "cube.ase")) in *)
let body =
new CO.cp_body plane_mass
(CO.moment_for_poly plane_mass
(Array.of_list ( cpvt polygon))
(cpvt (5.0, 3.0))) in
let shapes = ref [] in
let add_shape shape =
space#add_shape shape;
shape#set_friction 0.0;
shapes := shape::!shapes
(*let motor_sound = MotorSound.create () in*)
let add_shapes flipped =
let mapv (x, y) =
if flipped then cpvt (x, -.y)
else cpvt (x, y)
let optrev xs =
if flipped then List.rev xs
else xs
let optrev_array xs =
if flipped then Array.of_list (List.rev (Array.to_list xs))
else xs
let listmap f xs = optrev ( f xs) in
List.iter (fun shape -> space#remove_shape shape) !shapes;
List.iter (fun v -> v#free) !shapes;
shapes := [];
List.iter add_shape
[new CO.cp_shape body (CO.POLY_SHAPE ((Array.of_list (listmap mapv polygon)), mapv (0.0, 0.0)));
new CO.cp_shape body (CO.CIRCLE_SHAPE (4.0, mapv (-25.0, 0.0)));
new CO.cp_shape body (CO.POLY_SHAPE (optrev_array [|mapv (-25.0, 5.0); mapv (-10.0, 5.0);
mapv (-25.0, -3.0)|], mapv (0.0, 0.0)));
new CO.cp_shape body (CO.CIRCLE_SHAPE (4.0, mapv (8.0, -3.0)))]
object (self)
val mutable accelerating = false
val mutable decelerating = false
val mutable turning_cw = false
val mutable turning_ccw = false
val mutable yawing = YawRight
val mutable yaw = 0.0
val mutable motor_speed = initial_motor_speed
val mutable forces = []
method where = uncpv body#get_pos
method angle = body#get_angle
method private reset_forces =
forces <- []
method private add_force label force at =
body#apply_force (cpv force) (cpv at);
forces <- (label, force, at)::forces;
method step (message : string -> unit) (delta : float) =
(* Speed of the plane *)
let vel = uncpv body#get_vel in
let abs_vel = V.abs2 vel in
let base = V.base (V.vec_of_ang (~-.(body#get_angle))) in
let to_base v = V.mul2 v base in
let fwd = V.vec_of_ang body#get_angle in
let normal = V.vec_of_ang (body#get_angle +. pi /. 2.0) in
(* What is the tail speed towards the normal of the plane speed vector *)
let tail_speed = body#get_a_vel *. pi *. 2.0 *. 20.0 in
let tail_vel = to_base (Gg.V2.v tail_speed 0.0) in
let abs_tail_vel = vel +.| tail_vel in
(* How much is the speed towards plane head. can be negative. *)
let fwd_vel = vel fwd in
let normal_vel = vel normal in
let head_angle = body#get_angle in
let rel_force label force at = self#add_force label (to_base force) (to_base at) in
let speed_angle =
let (vel_x, vel_y) = uncpvt body#get_vel in
if abs_vel < 1.0 then
atan2 vel_y vel_x
let air_wing_angle =
let v = head_angle -. speed_angle in
if v > pi then
v -. 2.0 *. pi
let lift_coeff = Lift.lift air_wing_angle in
(*Printf.printf "air wing angle: %f %f %f -> %f\n%!"
(fst (uncpv body#get_vel))
(snd (uncpv body#get_vel))
Printf.printf "body angle: %f\n%!" body#get_angle;*)
(* If accelerating, increase motor speed *)
if accelerating then motor_speed <- min max_motor_speed (motor_speed +. delta *. accel_speed);
if decelerating then motor_speed <- max 0.0 (motor_speed -. delta *. decel_speed);
(*MotorSound.set_freq motor_sound motor_speed;*)
(* Motor speed applies forward force *)
self#add_force "motor" ((V.v2 (motor_speed *. 10.0) *.| V.vec_of_ang body#get_angle));
(* Air friction (and drag?) opposes movement towards plane velocity *)
(* self#add_force "fwddrag" *)
(* (Gg.V2.smul (fwd_frict_coeff *. fwd_vel ** 2.0 *. head_area) (V.unit (negate vel))) *)
(* (to_base (Gg.V2.v 0.0 0.0)); *)
(* Air friction (and drag?) opposes movement towards plane velocity normal also *)
self#add_force "hddrag"
(Gg.V2.smul (nor_frict_coeff *. normal_vel ** 2.0 *. plane_area *. sign normal_vel) (negate (V.unit normal)))
(to_base (Gg.V2.v ~-.1.0 0.0));
(* self#add_force "tldrag" *)
(* (Gg.V2.smul (nor_frict_coeff *. tail_speed ** 2.0 *. tail_area *. sign tail_speed) (negate (V.unit normal))) *)
(* (to_base (-20.0, 0.0)); *)
(* Upward lift *)
(* self#add_force (Gg.V2.smul (0.01 *. fwd_vel ** 2.0) (V.vec_of_ang (body#get_angle +. pi /. 2.0))) (0.0, 0.0); *)
self#add_force "lift" (Gg.V2.smul (wing_lift *. fwd_vel ** 2.0 *. lift_coeff) (V.vec_of_ang (body#get_angle +. pi /. 2.0)));
(* (\* When turning cw, apply opposing (ccw) force to the tail *\) *)
if turning_cw then
rel_force "cw" (Gg.V2.smul (turn_speed *. fwd_vel ** 2.0 *. sign fwd_vel) (Gg.V2.v 0.0 1.0)) (Gg.V2.v ~-.20.0 0.0);
(* (\* When turning ccw, apply opposing (cw) force to the tail *\) *)
if turning_ccw then
rel_force "ccw" (Gg.V2.smul (turn_speed *. fwd_vel ** 2.0 *. sign fwd_vel) (Gg.V2.v 0.0 ~-.1.0)) (Gg.V2.v ~-.20.0 0.0);
(* (\* Such force (rotation) will also be opposed by air friction *\) *)
rel_force "tf"
(Gg.V2.v 0.0 (tail_frict_coeff *. tail_speed ** 2.0 *. sign tail_speed))
(Gg.V2.v ~-.20.0 0.0);
(* Printf.printf "%f %f\n%!" fwd_vel tail_speed; *)
(match yawing with
| YawRight | YawOther -> ()
| YawRightToOther ->
yaw <- min 1.0 (yaw +. yaw_speed *. delta *. abs_float fwd_vel);
if yaw >= 1.0 then
(yawing <- YawOther;
add_shapes true;
| YawOtherToRight ->
yaw <- min 2.0 (yaw +. yaw_speed *. delta *. abs_float fwd_vel);
if yaw >= 2.0 then
(yawing <- YawRight;
yaw <- 0.0;
add_shapes false)
let printf fmt = Printf.ksprintf message fmt in
printf "Location: %f, %f" (Gg.V2.x self#where) (Gg.V2.y self#where);
printf "Motor speed: %f" motor_speed;
printf "Velocity: %f" abs_vel;
method begin_accel = accelerating <- true
method end_accel = accelerating <- false
method begin_decel = decelerating <- true
method end_decel = decelerating <- false
method begin_turn_cw = turning_cw <- true
method end_turn_cw = turning_cw <- false
method begin_turn_ccw = turning_ccw <- true
method end_turn_ccw = turning_ccw <- false
method begin_yaw_cw = ()
method end_yaw_cw = ()
method begin_yaw_ccw = ()
method end_yaw_ccw = ()
method swap_yaw =
match yawing with
| YawRightToOther | YawOtherToRight -> ()
| YawRight -> yawing <- YawRightToOther
| YawOther -> yawing <- YawOtherToRight
method render (surface : Sdlvideo.surface) =
let at = self#where in
let angle = self#angle in
let vel = uncpv body#get_vel in
let abs_vel = V.abs2 vel in
Render.render at 15.0 (angle_of_yaw yaw, 0.0, angle /. pi *. 180.0) schema;
GlMat.mode `modelview;
Gl.disable `lighting;
Gl.disable `depth_test;
GlDraw.color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if draw_cp_polygon then
(GlDraw.begins `polygon;
List.iter (fun v -> GlDraw.vertex2 (Gg.V2.to_tuple (self#where +.| (V.mul2 (Gg.V2.of_tuple v) (V.base (V.vec_of_ang (~-.(body#get_angle)))))))) polygon;
GlDraw.ends ());
if draw_force_vectors then
(fun (label, dir, at) ->
let at = self#where +.| at in
let dir = dir /.| V.v2 50.0 in
Render.vector ~label:(fun () -> (Lazy.force Display.font_render_annot) label)
(Gg.V3.v (Gg.V2.x at) (Gg.V2.y at) 0.0)
(Gg.V3.v (Gg.V2.x dir) (Gg.V2.y dir) 0.0)
Gl.enable `lighting;
Gl.enable `depth_test;
method reset () =
body#set_a_vel 0.0;
body#set_angle 0.0;
body#set_pos (cpv at0);
body#set_vel (cpvt (initial_speed, 0.0));
self#reset ();
add_shapes false;
space#add_body body;
(*MotorSound.start motor_sound;*)