Class = require 'hump.class' require 'entities/entity' require 'utils' PhysicsEntity = Class{ __includes = Entity, init = function(self, x, y, level, physics_type, restitution) Entity.init(self, x, y, level) self.physicsType = physics_type self.main_color = main_color self.restitution = restitution self.deleteLater = false self.collisionCategory = 1 self:initPhysics(self) end; initPhysics = function(self) self.body = love.physics.newBody(, self.x, self.y, self.physicsType) end; -- This should only be called once the child has created their shapes, maybe -- in the child constructor -- You can add a density too. I don't know what that means attachShape = function(self, density) density = density or 1 self.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(self.body, self.shape, density) self.fixture:setRestitution(self.restitution) -- Add reference to this object so we can get it in collisions self.fixture:setUserData(self) -- Set category of this physicsentity to help mask collisions self.fixture:setCategory(self.collisionCategory) end; -- Reimplement draw = function(self) end; -- Only update if physics is not static update = function(self, dt) if self.deleteLater then self:delete() return end if self.physicsType ~= "static" then self.x = self.body:getX() self.y = self.body:getY() end end; delete = function(self) if self.body ~= nil then self.body:destroy() end Entity.delete(self) end; -- Reimplement wasHitBy = function(self, by) end; -- Reimplement noLongerHitBy = function(self, by) end; -- Apply linear impulse with given direction and power punch = function(self, angle, power) local forces = rad_dist_to_xy(angle, power) self.body:applyLinearImpulse(forces[1], forces[2]) end; }