Gamestate = require 'hump.gamestate' require 'level' require 'player' require 'scoreboard' require 'entities/chaingunpowerup' require 'entities/plane' require 'chaingunmode' require 'entities/plane' require 'machinegun' level_state = {} local players = { [1] = Player(1, 'flux'), [2] = Player(2, 'Nicd') } local scoreboards = {} local level_music = nil local current_level = nil local paused = false local POWERUP_POSSIBILITY = 0.001 function level_state:init() end function level_state:enter(previous, level_file) entity_id = 1 if level_music == nil then level_music ="resources/audio/Beavis II.mp3") level_music:setVolume(0.5) level_music:setLooping(true) level_music:play() end{0, 0, 0, 255}) current_level = Level(), end_contact, pre_solve, post_solve) players[1]:setPlane(current_level:getPlane(1)) players[2]:setPlane(current_level:getPlane(2)) -- Set up scoreboards for i = 1, #players, 1 do local i0 = i - 1 local x = 20 + (i0 * SCOREBOARD_WIDTH) + (i0 * SCOREBOARD_MARGIN) scoreboards[i] = Scoreboard(x, 20, players[i]) end ChaingunPowerUp(750, 750, current_level) end function level_state:draw() current_level:drawBackground() for i = 1, #scoreboards, 1 do scoreboards[i]:draw() end current_level:drawEntities() end function level_state:update(dt) if current_level.reset == true then resetLevel() return end -- Generate powerups local r = love.math.random() if r <= POWERUP_POSSIBILITY then local x = love.math.random(love.window.getWidth()) local y = love.math.random(love.window.getHeight()) ChaingunPowerUp(x, y, current_level) end if not paused then current_level:updateEntities(dt) end if players[1]:getPlane() == nil then print("HOP") current_level:respawnPlayer(1) players[1]:setPlane(current_level:getPlane(1)) end if players[2]:getPlane() == nil then print("HIP") current_level:respawnPlayer(2) players[2]:setPlane(current_level:getPlane(2)) end end function level_state:focus(bool) end function level_state:leave(bool) current_level:delete() current_level = nil end function level_state:keypressed(key, unicode) print('Somebody pressed ' .. key) -- Ctrl + R restarts current level. if key == "r" and (love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") or love.keyboard.isDown("rctrl")) then current_level.reset = true elseif key == " " then paused = not paused else for id, player in pairs(players) do player:press(key) end end end function level_state:keyreleased(key, unicode) print('Somebody released ' .. key) for id, player in pairs(players) do player:release(key) end end function level_state:mousepressed(x, y, button) end function begin_contact(a, b, coll) local aObj = a:getUserData() local bObj = b:getUserData() if aObj ~= nil and bObj ~= nil then if aObj:isinstance(Plane) and bObj:isinstance(ChaingunPowerUp) then bObj.deleteLater = true aObj:setPowerUpMode(ChaingunMode()) coll:setEnabled(false) elseif bObj:isinstance(Plane) and aObj:isinstance(ChaingunPowerUp) then aObj.deleteLater = true bObj:setPowerUpMode(ChaingunMode()) coll:setEnabled(false) else local plane = nil local other = nil if aObj:isinstance(Plane) then plane = aObj other = bObj elseif bObj:isinstance(Plane) then plane = bObj other = aObj end if other and other:isinstance(Plane) then plane:receiveDamage(1000) other:receiveDamage(1000) elseif plane then if other:getOwner() == nil then -- Collision with ground or other plane plane:receiveDamage(1000) elseif other:getOwner().id ~= then for key, gun in pairs(GUNS) do if other:isinstance(gun['projectile']) then plane:receiveDamage(gun['damage']) end end end end end end end function end_contact(a, b, coll) end function pre_solve(a, b, coll) end function end_solve(a, b, coll) end function resetLevel() Gamestate.switch(level_state) end