Gamestate = require 'hump.gamestate' require 'level_state' require 'settings' require 'entities/label' require 'entities/valuecontroller' require 'entities/visrectangle' require 'utils' menu_state = {} local font = local midfont = local titlefont = local background ='resources/graphics/sky.png') local menuTime = 0 local currentlyChosen = nil local bindingInfo = { ccw = "Turn CW", cw = "Turn CCW", shoot = "Shoot", accelerate = "Engine power up", decelerate = "Engine power down", flip = "Flip" } local joyBindingInfo = { rotation = "Turn", throttle = "Engine power" } local bindingOrder = { "ccw", "cw", "shoot", "accelerate", "decelerate", "flip" } local joyBindingOrder = { "rotation", "throttle" } function menu_state:enter() menu_state.entity_list = {}, 0, 0, 0) love.window.setMode(levelWidth(), levelHeight(), {resizable=true, vsync=true}) local x = 40 for player = 1, 2, 1 do local y = 300 Label(string.format("Player %d", player), midfont, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, "left", 500, 0, x, y, menu_state) y = y + 60 for idx, key in ipairs(bindingOrder) do Label(bindingInfo[key], font, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, "left", 190, 25, x, y, menu_state) for bindingIdx, binding in ipairs(KEYMAP[player][key]) do local label = Label(function() return KEYMAP[player][key][bindingIdx] end, font, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, "center", 100, 25, x + 200 + 100 * (bindingIdx - 1), y, menu_state) label:onClick(function() menu_state:adjustBindings(label, bindingIdx, player, key) end) end y = y + 30 end for idx, axis in ipairs(joyBindingOrder) do local axisInfo = AXISMAP[player][axis] Label(joyBindingInfo[axis], font, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, "left", 190, 25, x, y, menu_state) for bindingIdx, info in ipairs(axisInfo) do local visAxisBaseX = (100 + 30) / 2 + x + 200 + 100 * (bindingIdx - 1) local signLabel = Label(function() if AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].flipped then return "-" else return "+" end end, font, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, "center", 20, 25, x + 200 + 100 * (bindingIdx - 1), y, menu_state) signLabel:onClick(function() menu_state:switchSign(player, axis, bindingIdx) end) local axisLabel = Label(function() return AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].axis end, font, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, "center", 70, 25, x + 30 + 200 + 100 * (bindingIdx - 1), y, menu_state) axisLabel:onClick(function() menu_state:switchAxis(player, axis, bindingIdx) end) local visAxis = VisRectangle({ 40, 40, 0, 128 }, 10, 10, nil, visAxisBaseX, y + 11, menu_state) ValueController(function () local joysticks = love.joystick.getJoysticks() local axisIdx = AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].axis if #joysticks >= player then local j = joysticks[player] if axisIdx > 0 and axisIdx <= j:getAxisCount() then local direction = j:getAxis(axisIdx) visAxis.x = visAxisBaseX + 30 * direction end end end, menu_state) end y = y + 30 end x = x + 500 end end function menu_state:switchSign(player, axis, bindingIdx) AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].flipped = not AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].flipped save_settings() end function menu_state:switchAxis(player, axis, bindingIdx) local joysticks = love.joystick.getJoysticks() if #joysticks >= player then local joystick = joysticks[player] local axisIdx = AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].axis axisIdx = axisIdx + 1 if axisIdx > joystick:getAxisCount() then axisIdx = 0 end AXISMAP[player][axis][bindingIdx].axis = axisIdx save_settings() end end local blinkColor = function(t) local seconds, subseconds = math.modf(menuTime) return 255 * ((math.sin(math.pow((math.log(subseconds + 1) / math.log(2)), 2) * math.pi * 2) * 0.5 + 0.5)); end function menu_state:adjustBindings(label, bindingIdx, player, key) if currentlyChosen ~= nil then currentlyChosen:delete() end currentlyChosen = ValueController(function () label.color[4] = blinkColor(); end, menu_state) = { bindingIdx = bindingIdx, player = player, key = key, label = label } currentlyChosen.onDelete = function() label.color[4] = 255; end end function menu_state:draw(), 128, 128, 255), 0, 0, 0, levelWidth() / background:getWidth(), levelHeight() / background:getHeight()) local seconds, subseconds = math.modf(menuTime),255,255,255)"FYSPLANE", 0, 100, love.window.getWidth(), "center");"1 for solo game", 0, 600, love.window.getWidth(), "center")"2 for two-player game", 0, 630, love.window.getWidth(), "center")"c for game against the computer", 0, 660, love.window.getWidth(), "center")"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN…", 0, 700, love.window.getWidth(), "center") for key, entity in pairs(menu_state.entity_list) do entity:draw() end end function menu_state:update(dt) menuTime = menuTime + dt if currentlyChosen ~= nil then local button = nil local joysticks = love.joystick.getJoysticks() if #joysticks >= then local buttons = getJoystickButtons(joysticks[]) for i = 1, #buttons, 1 do if buttons[i] then button = i end end end if button ~= nil then local key = string.format("button%d", button) KEYMAP[][][] = key = key currentlyChosen:delete() currentlyChosen = nil save_settings() end end for key, entity in pairs(menu_state.entity_list) do if entity.update then entity:update(dt) end end end function menu_state:focus(bool) end function menu_state:keypressed(key, unicode) if currentlyChosen == nil then local switchState = function(state) love.window.setMode(levelWidth(), levelHeight(), {resizable=false, vsync=true}) Gamestate.switch(state) end if key == "1" then level_state.mode = "solo" switchState(level_state) elseif key == "c" then level_state.mode = "computer" switchState(level_state) elseif key == "2" then level_state.mode = "2player" switchState(level_state) elseif key == "escape" then love.event.quit() elseif key == " " then switchState(level_state) end elseif key == "escape" then currentlyChosen:delete() currentlyChosen = nil else if key == "backspace" then key = "none" end KEYMAP[][][] = key currentlyChosen:delete() currentlyChosen = nil save_settings() end end function menu_state:keyreleased(key, unicode) end function menu_state:joystickpressed(key, button) end function menu_state:mousepressed(x, y, button) for key, entity in pairs(menu_state.entity_list) do if entity.mousePressed then entity:mousePressed(x, y, button) end end end function menu_state:mousereleased(x, y, button) end