-- A generic machine gun which shoots all kinds of projectiles Class = require 'hump/class' require 'entities/vickers77' require 'entities/tinyshot' require 'entities/bigball' GUNS = { chaingun = { interval = 0.01, projectile = TinyShot, speed = 50000, damage = 5 }, bigball = { interval = 0.2, projectile = BigBall, speed = 5000, damage = 0 }, vickers77 = { interval = 0.1, projectile = Vickers77, speed = 50000, damage = 25 } } MachineGun = Class{ init = function(self, plane, type) self:setType(type) -- Plane this gun is attached to self.plane = plane self.shooting = false end; update = function(self, dt) if self.shooting and self.since_last_shot >= self.gun['interval'] then self:fire() self.since_last_shot = 0 else self.since_last_shot = self.since_last_shot + dt end end; setType = function(self, type) self.gun = GUNS[type] self.since_last_shot = 0 end; fire = function(self) local gunPos = self.plane:getGunPosition() local level = self.plane.level local shot = self.gun['projectile'](gunPos[1], gunPos[2], level) shot:setOwner(self.plane); local angle = self.plane.body:getAngle() shot.body:setAngle(angle) local speeds = rad_dist_to_xy(angle, self.gun['speed']) shot.body:setLinearVelocity(speeds[1], speeds[2]) end; startShooting = function(self) self.shooting = true end; stopShooting = function(self) self.shooting = false self.since_last_shot = 0 end; }