Class = require 'hump/class' require 'settings' Player = Class{ init = function(self, id, name) = id = name self.keys = KEYMAP[] self.actions = { cw = function(down) self.plane:cw(down) end, ccw = function(down) self.plane:ccw(down) end, shoot = function(down) self.plane:shoot(down) end, accelerate = function(down) self.plane:accelerate(down) end, decelerate = function(down) self.plane:decelerate(down) end } self.score = 0 print( .. ' (' .. .. ') ready for action!') end; setPlane = function(self, plane) self.plane = plane if plane ~= nil then plane:setOwner(self) = 1000 end end; getPlane = function(self) return self.plane end; addScore = function(self, score) self.score = self.score + score end; update = function(self, dt) end; press = function(self, key) for action, keycode in pairs(self.keys) do if key == keycode then if self.actions[action] and self.plane then self.actions[action](true) end end end end; release = function(self, key) for action, keycode in pairs(self.keys) do if key == keycode then if self.actions[action] and self.plane then self.actions[action](false) end end end end; }