defmodule GeoTherminator.TypedStruct do @doc """ Create typed struct with a type, default values, and enforced keys. Input should be a map where the key names are names of the struct keys and values are the field information. The value can be a typespec, in which case the field will be enforced, or a 2-tuple of `{typespec, default_value}`, making the field unenforced. To prevent ambiguity, a value of `{typespec, :ts_enforced}` will be interpreted as enforced, this will allow you to typespec a 2-tuple. NOTE: Due to the ambiguity removal technique above, `:ts_enforced` is not allowed as a default value. Example: ```elixir deftypedstruct(%{ # Enforced with simple type foo: integer(), # Enforced 2-tuple typed field, written like this to remove ambiguity bar: {{String.t(), integer()}, :ts_enforced}, # Non-enforced field with default value baz: {any(), ""} }) ``` """ defmacro deftypedstruct(fields) do fields_list = case fields do {:%{}, _, flist} -> flist _ -> raise ArgumentError, "Fields must be a map!" end enforced_list = fields_list |> Enum.filter(fn {_, {_, :ts_enforced}} -> true {_, {_, _}} -> false {_, _} -> true end) |>, 0)) field_specs =, fn {field, {typespec, :ts_enforced}} -> {field, typespec} {field, {typespec, _}} -> {field, typespec} {field, typespec} -> {field, typespec} end) field_vals =, fn {field, {_, :ts_enforced}} -> field {field, {_, default}} -> {field, default} {field, _} -> field end) quote do @type t :: %__MODULE__{unquote_splicing(field_specs)} @enforce_keys unquote(enforced_list) defstruct unquote(field_vals) end end end