6.1.0 ----- * The HTML encoder has been made overwhelmingly faster in both the Erlang and JavaScript targets. Thanks to Giacomo Cavalieri for the contribution! 6.0.0 ----- * Update for Gleam 0.32+. * Split encoders and the decoder into separate files so that they can be separately imported. This helps keep the file size down. 5.0.0 ----- * Update for Gleam 0.30. 4.0.1 ----- * Fixed a call stack error on the JavaScript target 4.0.0 ----- * Update for Gleam 0.28. 3.1.0 ----- + Add "HTMLBody" encoding mode that doesn't encode everything. 3.0.0 ----- * Update for Gleam 0.28. * Enable JavaScript target. 2.0.0 ----- * Update for Gleam 0.27. 1.0.1 ----- * Mark package as Erlang only, waiting for this fix: https://github.com/gleam-lang/gleam/issues/2001 1.0.0 ----- Initial release.