Mikko Ahlroth 840a50e54b Add licence details
Insert copyright statements

Implemented CRUD for connections

Refactor C++ connection side, create debugview and connect C++ to UI

Implement SSL verification, reconnection, import moment.js, refactor UI logic

Storing SSL certificate for later use now works

Add missing comments

Follow the end of a TextListComponent if view was already at bottom

Initial protocol stubs for WeeChat protocol

2014-06-27 09:08:53 +03:00

77 lines
2.4 KiB

# The name of your app.
# NOTICE: name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename.
# If name defined in TARGET is changed, following needs to be
# done to match new name:
# - corresponding QML filename must be changed
# - desktop icon filename must be changed
# - desktop filename must be changed
# - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed
TARGET = harbour-weechatrelay
CONFIG += sailfishapp c++11
SOURCES += src/harbour-weechatrelay.cpp \
src/relayconnection.cpp \
src/sslrelayconnection.cpp \
src/connectionhandler.cpp \
src/weechatprotocolhandler.cpp \
src/protocolhandler.cpp \
src/qsslcertificateinfo.cpp \
src/weechatproto/protocoltype.cpp \
src/weechatproto/hashtable.cpp \
src/weechatproto/hdata.cpp \
src/weechatproto/info.cpp \
src/weechatproto/infolist.cpp \
src/weechatproto/array.cpp \
src/weechatproto/time.cpp \
src/weechatproto/pointer.cpp \
src/weechatproto/buffer.cpp \
src/weechatproto/string.cpp \
src/weechatproto/long.cpp \
src/weechatproto/integer.cpp \
src/weechatproto/char.cpp \
OTHER_FILES += qml/harbour-weechatrelay.qml \
rpm/harbour-weechatrelay.spec \
rpm/harbour-weechatrelay.yaml \
harbour-weechatrelay.desktop \
qml/js/storage.js \
qml/pages/ConnectionList.qml \
qml/cover/DefaultCover.qml \
qml/pages/AddConnection.qml \
qml/pages/DebugView.qml \
qml/pages/TextListComponent.qml \
qml/pages/SslVerifyDialog.qml \
qml/js/utils.js \
qml/js/moment.js \
qml/js/connection.js \
src/relayconnection.h \
src/sslrelayconnection.h \
src/connectionhandler.h \
src/protocolhandler.h \
src/weechatprotocolhandler.h \
src/connectresolver.h \
src/qsslcertificateinfo.h \
src/weechatproto/protocoltype.h \
src/weechatproto/hashtable.h \
src/weechatproto/hdata.h \
src/weechatproto/info.h \
src/weechatproto/infolist.h \
src/weechatproto/array.h \
src/weechatproto/time.h \
src/weechatproto/pointer.h \
src/weechatproto/buffer.h \
src/weechatproto/string.h \
src/weechatproto/long.h \
src/weechatproto/integer.h \
src/weechatproto/char.h \
QT += network
INCLUDEPATH += /Users/nicd/SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/SailfishOS-armv7hl/usr/include/c++/4.6.4