defmodule MBU.AppRunner do @moduledoc """ AppRunner is a script for ensuring that external apps are terminated properly when executed from BEAM. If you start an application that does not listen to STDIN from BEAM and BEAM is terminated, the application's STDIN is closed but it may never close. AppRunner is meant to sit in between, monitoring the STDIN pipe and killing the application if STDIN closes. This ensures no zombie processes are left behind if the host BEAM dies. Output from the application will be sent back to the host BEAM. If the application dies for any reason, AppRunner is also closed. """ def wait_for_eof() do case IO.getn("", 1024) do :eof -> nil _ -> wait_for_eof() end end def exec(program, args) do {:spawn_executable, program}, [ :exit_status, :stderr_to_stdout, # Redirect stderr to stdout to log properly args: args, line: 1024 ] ) end def get_pid(port) do case do nil -> nil info when is_list(info) -> case Keyword.get(info, :os_pid) do nil -> nil pid -> Integer.to_string(pid) end end end def kill(pid) do System.find_executable("kill") |> System.cmd([pid]) end def wait_loop(port) do receive do {_, {:data, {:eol, msg}}} -> msg |> :unicode.characters_to_binary(:unicode) |> IO.puts() {_, {:data, {:noeol, msg}}} -> msg |> :unicode.characters_to_binary(:unicode) |> IO.write() {_, :eof_received} -> get_pid(port) |> kill() :erlang.halt(0) {_, :closed} -> :erlang.halt(0) {_, {:exit_status, status}} -> :erlang.halt(status) {:EXIT, _, _} -> :erlang.halt(1) end wait_loop(port) end end [program | args] = System.argv() port = MBU.AppRunner.exec(program, args) Task.async(fn -> MBU.AppRunner.wait_for_eof() :eof_received end) MBU.AppRunner.wait_loop(port)