Add missing config

This commit is contained in:
Mikko Ahlroth 2015-05-18 08:10:43 +03:00
parent 0bed780c14
commit cff0dd38cc

config/config.exs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module.
use Mix.Config
# This configuration is loaded before any dependency and is restricted
# to this project. If another project depends on this project, this
# file won't be loaded nor affect the parent project. For this reason,
# if you want to provide default values for your application for third-
# party users, it should be done in your mix.exs file.
# Sample configuration:
# config :logger, :console,
# level: :info,
# format: "$date $time [$level] $metadata$message\n",
# metadata: [:user_id]
# It is also possible to import configuration files, relative to this
# directory. For example, you can emulate configuration per environment
# by uncommenting the line below and defining dev.exs, test.exs and such.
# Configuration from the imported file will override the ones defined
# here (which is why it is important to import them last).
# import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs"
# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module.
use Mix.Config
# The configuration defined here will only affect the dependencies
# in the apps directory when commands are executed from the umbrella
# project. For this reason, it is preferred to configure each child
# application directly and import its configuration, as done below.
import_config "../apps/*/config/config.exs"
# Sample configuration (overrides the imported configuration above):
# config :logger, :console,
# level: :info,
# format: "$date $time [$level] $metadata$message\n",
# metadata: [:user_id]