# Mebe Mebe -- _the Minimalistic Elixir Blog Engine_ -- is a simple blog engine written in [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org), using the [Phoenix Framework](http://www.phoenixframework.org/). **NOTE:** Mebe is tailored for my own use at [my blog](https://blog.nytsoi.net/). Some things are made configurable, but some are not and usage instructions are currently very scarce. So proceed with caution. The engine consists of two parts: 1. MebeEngine, which handles parsing the data files into an ETS (_Erlang Term Storage_) in-memory database, and 2. MebeWeb, which uses the Phoenix Framework to serve the blog data to clients. ## Installation for development * `git clone` * Copy `config/*.exs.dist`, removing the `.dist` ending and go through the configs. * `npm install && mix frontend.build` to build the frontend. Use `MIX_ENV=prod` to build minified files. * Put some content into the data path you specified, at least a `menu` file. * `mix phoenix.server` to run the development server. ## Features * Blog by just writing Markdown files, no admin UI * Automatic yearly, monthly and tag archives * Disqus commenting * RSS feeds for all posts and for tags * Override templates by putting replacements into a directory * Use custom style CSS by defining path in settings * Expect script for refreshing blog from the command line * Splitting of posts so that only the beginning will be shown in a list view or feed ## Possible future features * Tests * User's guide * Sitemap ## Licence Mebe is open source and licensed under the MIT Expat licence. Check the [LICENCE](LICENCE) file for details.