defmodule MebeEngine.Crawler do @moduledoc """ The crawler goes through the specified directory, opening and parsing all the matching files inside concurrently. """ alias MebeEngine.Parser alias MebeEngine.Models.Page alias MebeEngine.Models.Post def crawl(path) do get_files(path) |> file -> Task.async MebeEngine.Crawler, :parse, [file] end) |> handle_responses |> construct_archives end def get_files(path) do Path.wildcard path <> "/**/*.md" end def parse(file) do!(file) |> Parser.parse(Path.basename file) end def handle_responses(tasklist) do tasklist, fn task -> Task.await task end end def construct_archives(datalist) do Enum.reduce datalist, %{pages: %{}, posts: [], years: %{}, months: %{}, tags: %{}}, fn pagedata, acc -> case pagedata.__struct__ do Page -> %{acc | pages: Map.put(acc.pages, pagedata.slug, pagedata)} Post -> {year, month, _} = tags = Enum.reduce pagedata.tags, acc.tags, fn tag, tagmap -> posts = Map.get(tagmap, tag, []) Map.put(tagmap, tag, [pagedata | posts]) end year_posts = [pagedata | Map.get acc.years, year, []] month_posts = [pagedata | Map.get acc.months, {year, month}, []] %{ acc | posts: [pagedata | acc.posts], years: Map.put(acc.years, year, year_posts), months: Map.put(acc.months, {year, month}, month_posts), tags: tags } end end end end