Filename:SINK-AE ClrText Locate 1,7,"Loading ENEMY..." If P=0 Then 21->T IfEnd If P=21 Then 0->T IfEnd Lbl 8 ClrText 1->E Prog "SINK-DM" Locate 1,7," "[DISP] Lbl 1 ClrText "X"?->X If X>21 Or X<1 Then "Out of bounds! (1-21)"[DISP] Goto 1 IfEnd "Y"?->Y If Y>6 Or Y<1 Then "Out of bounds! (1-6)"[DISP] Goto 1 IfEnd If Mat H[Y,T+X]=1 Or Mat H[Y,T+X]=3 Then ClrText "Already shot there..."[DISP] Goto 1 IfEnd If Mat H[Y,T+X]=2 Then 3->Mat H[Y,T+X] Mat H[2,43]+1->Mat H[2,43] ClrText "Good shot! Please shoot again."[DISP] Goto 8 IfEnd If Mat H[Y,T+X]=0 Then 1->Mat H[Y,T+X] Mat H[3,43]+1->Mat H[3,43] ClrText "Too bad, you missed."[DISP] IfEnd Return