Sysmon-ws is a simple Python WebSocket server which broadcasts system information to all listening clients. It also includes a small HTML5 UI which displays the information in a somewhat sensible manner. I pieced this together one night when inspiration hit, so the code is written in a quick and dirty manner. Sysmon-ws uses 3rd party code: * AutoBahnPython WebSocketServer from * jquery-graceful-websocket from ### Installation Clone the files to a directory, create a virtualenv if you like and then install libs with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt ### Usage Usage example from my server (I use a virtualenv for it): [nicd@nytsoi ~]$ cd /srv/sysmon-ws [nicd@nytsoi sysmon-ws]$ . venv-sysmon-ws/bin/activate (venv-sysmon-ws)[nicd@nytsoi sysmon-ws]$ python >/dev/null ### License * Original AutoBahnPython code in is licensed with Apache 2.0, read for more details. * jquery-graceful-websocket (ws.js) is licensed with the MIT License. * My code (index.html and modifications in is licensed with the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.