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<h2 class="content-head is-center">1<sup>st</sup> event 21.9.2017</h2>
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The first TRElixir event is on the 21<sup>st</sup> of September at <a href=",23.8608591,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x468edfb7a8f2c79f:0x71c0801aebd30465!8m2!3d61.4481532!4d23.8630531">Vincit premises in Hervanta, Tampere</a>. The evening will start at 18.00. Free attendance, food and drinks will be provided. After the talks there will be time to hang around and get to know other Elixir devs.
The event is graciously hosted by <a href="">Vincit</a>.
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<h2 class="content-head is-center">Talks</h2>
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<h3 class="talk-title">Why Elixir matters</h3>
<img src="mikkonaama.jpg" alt="Mikko Ahlroth" title="Mikko Ahlroth" class="speaker-image pure-img" />
<p class="speaker-name">Mikko Ahlroth, Vincit</p>
<p class="speaker-description">
Mikko works primarily as a Django + AngularJS developer at <a href="">Vincit</a>, but on his free time has dabbled with Elixir since 2013. He has published a simple <a href="">buildtool</a> on and runs <a href="">Code::Stats</a> on Phoenix. His dream is to get to use Elixir at work some day.
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<a class="pure-button" target="_blank" href="">Mikko's slides</a>
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<h3 class="talk-title">GenServer &amp; Agent</h3>
<img src="jannenaama.jpg" alt="Janne Tenhovirta" title="Janne Tenhovirta" class="speaker-image pure-img" />
<p class="speaker-name">Janne Tenhovirta, Cybersoft</p>
<p class="speaker-description">
Janne mainly gets his hands dirty in .NET backend development at his job with <a href="">Cybersoft, a subsidiary of Headpower</a>. He feels they get dirtier when fiddling with the frontend. He first learned of Elixir's existence in 2015 and started to fool around with it in 2016.
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