Mikko Ahlroth 0c31dab375 Fix README
2018-02-25 11:25:50 +02:00

2 KiB


GitLabPushTriggerer is a small application that triggers execution of scripts when given endpoints are hit with GitLab push webhooks. It contains no permissions handling, no authentication, no request limiting. So these must be handled in some other way, like with an Nginx reverse proxy.

Should work on any *nix system that has sh.


  1. Clone repo
  2. mix deps.get
  3. Build release with MIX_ENV=prod COOKIE=yourcookie mix release --env=prod
  4. Run release in your preferred way, setting environment according to the next section

Environment variables

To bind to a certain port (instead of default 6000), add env PORT=1337.

Configuration of endpoints and scripts is done via environment variables. Environment variables are set in the following format:


The variable consists of GLPT_ prefix, after which is the name of the endpoint. The value is the branch to match and path to the script to execute. The above variable would result in an endpoint /foo, which would execute /path/to/ if a push to branch master was called on the endpoint.

NOTE: Add the single quotes ' to encase the value to prevent the shell messing up.

LIMITATION: The branch name cannot contain ;.

The endpoint path is transformed to lowercase and underscores are replaced with dashes. See the following examples:

  • GLPT_FOO/foo
  • GLPT_CODE_STATS_BETA/code-stats-beta
  • GLPT_AAA_/aaa-

The path to the script can be absolute or relative, as long as it can be reached from the current working dir (for releases that can be the release dir; it is easier to use absolute paths). Scripts are executed with sh -c script.

Return value

  • If the script was triggered, 200 OK is returned.
  • If the script is not found or the request path is wrong, 404 File not found is returned.
  • If the branch does not match, 400 Bad request is returned.
  • If there is an error in script execution, 500 Internal server error is returned and the error is logged.